
Showing posts from June, 2019

Components Every Strategy Is Required To Have

Whether you’re after automatic day trading strategies, or novice or into advanced tactics, you’ll need to take into reason three vital components; volatility, liquidity and volume. If you’re to make profits on tiny price movements, selecting the right stock is vital. These three essentials will help you make decisions very easily: Liquidity  – This allows you to speedily come in to and exit trades at a valuable and stable price. Liquid asset strategies, for example, will focus on gold, crude oil and natural gas. Volatility – This tells you your latent profit range. The more the volatility, the better the profit or loss you may make. The cryptocurrency marketplace is one such example well recognized for high instability. Volume  – This measurement will tell you how many times the asset has been traded within a set period of time. For day traders, this is better known as ‘average daily trading volume.’ High volume tells you there’s substantial intere...

How to Keep Your Cryptocurrency Safe?

If you’re new to the crypto world you might have overheard people transferring their assets into cold storage or cold wallets but were unsure exactly what this involves. Simply put, it means securely transferring and storing your cryptocurrencies/ assets offline to decrease access to hackers. There are two ways in which you can store your cryptos offline, here’s how you can do it: Hardware : Wallets vary from software wallets in that they store a user’s private keys on a hardware device like a USB. Although hardware wallets make transactions online, they are stored offline which delivers improved security. Hardware wallets can be compatible with several web interfaces and can support different currencies; it just depends on which one you decide to use. What’s more, making a transaction is easy. Users simply plug in their device to any internet-enabled computer or device, enter a pin, send currency and confirm. Hardware wallets make it conceivable to easily tra...

What the Blockchain Technology Would Have on The Insurance Industry

Much has been made about blockchain’s utility across different industries. Critics oppose the technology is mere hype, that the alterations it makes is marginal and not worth spending money on. Supporters, on the other hand, willingly acknowledge that blockchain is not the answer being trumpeted in some corners, but also identify that there are use cases where it essentially makes sense. This is why noteworthy resources are being devoted to the study of the blockchain system/technology by some of the world’s major establishments. Insurance is one such industry, but in fact, blockchain is exactly what’s required to inoculate some revolution into an industry that has not transformed much in decades. From global insurers down to start-ups, we are seeing a wave of new goods and services, everything from flight delay insurance to enhanced risk modelling. What we need to understand what it is about blockchain that makes sense for the industry, if you want to know more, then read o...

The Future of Cryptocurrencies and Should You Invest in Them?

We have already discussed about the history of currencies and the benefits of cryptocurrencies and blockchain , if you haven’t read them already, it is suggested that you do read them before you go ahead with this blog as it is required for you to understand everything written below. The Future Some of the limits that cryptocurrencies currently face – such as the fact that one’s digital wealth can be removed by a computer crash, or that a virtual vault may be looted by a hacker – may be overawed in time through technological developments. What will be harder to overcome is the basic paradox that bedevils cryptocurrencies – the more prevalent they become, the more parameter and government scrutiny they are possibly could attract, which corrodes the essential evidence for their presence. While the number of merchants who take cryptocurrencies has gradually amplified, they are still very much in the minority. For cryptocurrencies to become more widely used, they have to ...

History and the Future of Currencies

Our history book provides us with very little knowledge about how our economy came to be. This post aims to give an overview of how the currencies that we know of today, have evolved and go in detail on digital currencies the present talk of the town and what will become of these currencies.   After a long period of time, historians, say that societies discovered that they found it safer and easier to exchange goods with goods- the barter system, instead of going into war with each other, frequently traded, between individuals or societies, for other goods were domestic animals like cattle and goats. With the development of farming in the 8 th millennium grains were added to the list of exchangeable goods. It is, only after the trade around the extraction of rich metals that the commodity currencies came to be used, the kingdom of Lidia on the western cost of Turkey is said to have crafted coins that were a mixture of gold and silver- “Electrum”. They were standa...

Benefits of Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency

To understand the benefits of the Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrencies its important for us to understand what they are, This Article aims to provide you with all the information that you need to understand each of these are. Understanding Blockchain A Blockchain is, in the simplest of terms, a time-stamped sequences of unassailable record of information that is managed by cluster of computers not owned by any single entity. Each of these blocks of data (i.e. block) are protected and bound to each other by means of cryptographic values (i.e. chain). The blockchain network has no central authority — it is the very definition of a democratized system. Since it is a shared and unassailable ledger, the data in it is open for anyone and everyone to see. Hence, anything that is constructed on the blockchain is by its very nature transparent and everyone involved is responsible for their actions. Benefits of The Blockchain Technology Blockchain is taking the worl...

XcelToken Plus Long Term Price Predictions

Bitcoin has recently hit the $10,000 mark and seems to only be rising, within 24 hours of breaking through the $10,000 mark it hit $11 Grand, with it leading the way, prices of other cryptos are following suit. This blog attempts to predict the price values that XcelToken Plus will be achieving in the years to come. XcelToken Plus (XLAB) is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum Blockchain Platform that is fashioned to build, involve and foster a large crypto-community within the hospitality, retail and gaming sectors. XcelToken Plus (XLAB) is now be available for trading on 14 Exchange Platforms , so let’s take a look at its price cap and what its capable of in the next few months. Currently XLAB stands at a value of $0.004629 on the 2019-06-22 according to Coinmarketcap , and seems to be rising, refer to the chart below to understand its movements in the market. With this as reference lets look at what its marke...

Four Of The Best Crypto-Trading Bots

In our previous post we have learnt and understood what crypto-trading bots do and what you as a trader should be looking for while choosing a trading bot. If you haven’t read the blog , it is advised that you do so before you read about the various trading bots mentioned below: Zignaly This is a trading bot that is still in its development stages. However, you can still use the beta version of the app for free and make great profits from using the bot. Even though it is a new contestant to the trading bots industry, it has accomplished to win over the hearts of many crypto enthusiasts. The main reason for its prevalent fame is the transparency provided by this trading bot. Unlike other trading bots whose developers don’t share many details on how to contact them, Zignaly prides on the developer’s sincerity to the community. Users of the bot can easily connect with the developers of the bot in case of any issue that they face or even provide them with suggestions to ...

Benefits of Introducing the Blockchain System in Education

In order to understand the benefits that the blockchain technology can provide the education system, we will first have to understand what the blockchain technology is. Blockchain is a new innovation in computer science and information technology, that has a world-wide reach as well as interdisciplinary applications. Its disruptiveness has already made its way into the economic sphere. By the year 2025, 10% of the world’s GDP will be managed by Blockchain technologies, of which half will be in the form of cryptocurrency, according to The World Economic Forum . Blockchain simply put is units of value or pages of a ledger that are distributed/shared by a community. In this community, each participant keeps his or her own copy of the data or info. The information could contain transactions (a currency or other unit), agreements (contracts to move assets, funds, or information), or nearly everything else that can be put into a digital form. Each modification or addition of...

Features to Look for While Getting Yourself a Crypto-Trading Bot

To understand exactly what is needed in a Crypto-Trading Bot , it is essential to understand what they are, a trading bot is a software program that networks unswervingly with financial exchanges (often using API’s to obtain and interpret relevant information) and places where you can buy or sell orders on your behalf relying on the reading of the market data. The bots make these conclusions by monitoring the market’s price program and responding according to a set of predefined and pre-programmed guidelines. Characteristically, a trading bot will analyse market activities, such as volume, orders, price, and time, though they can usually be programmed to suit your own tastes and partialities. Now that you’ve understood what they are and how they perform, here is a list of features that you ought to keep in mind to make sure that you make some profits: 1. Reliability One of the most significant aspects to deliberate on is the reliability of a trading bots consistency. You...

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Trading Cryptocurrencies

Many people are now making their way into the world of cryptocurrencies . What attracts them here, simply put are the, excessive amounts of opportunities that the crypto-world has to offer (privacy to profit).   Trading beginners tend to be very inquisitive when it comes to cryptocurrency trading. Trading is a type of activity that involves work to extract profits from the trading process.   It is essential to develop specific qualities necessary for achieving high competence, particularly, a very analytical and attentive mind. Those that are new to the crypto world hoping to earn a difference in the exchange rate without putting in much efforts. However, the reality is something that is completely the opposite this makes armature traders extremely disappointed in this kind of activity. Below is a list of common mistakes to avoid while trading cryptocurrencies: 1.      Keeping yourself uninformed will be catastrophic Anyway, it is you w...