Tohoku Travel Diaries - Experience Amazing Food on your Tohoku Travels

Here is a list of 4 different dishes that I tried while on my Tohoku travel diaries region of Japan’s Honshu Island:

1) Sendai Beef Tongue
I had heard form the locals that this dish was well loved in Japan. I had the privilege of watching it being cooked, the thickly sliced tongue was grilled on top of a wire net that protected the tongue from getting charred by the charcoal. The fragrance of the preparation had my mouth watering. The meat was then served to me with barley rice and pickled bok choy. The taste of the juicy, crispy beef tongue was enhanced by the sides. In my opinion Rikyuu a popular restaurant at Sendai station is the best place to try this dish.

2) Iwate’s Jajamen Noodles
The best dish I’ve tried so far in Japan is jajamen Noodles a delicacy adapted in Iwate from China. The dish is prepared with minced meat, soybean paste, cucumber, green onion, noodles topped with chili oil and grated garlic. I mixed them all before I took a bite, as per the chef’s recommendation. The depth of the flavours was unimaginable, it honestly let me feeling satisfied. If you are ever in the area, this is my personal favourite and a must try to any one travelling here.

3) Fukushima Kitakata Ramen
Kitakata has a population of about 50,000 people but its where this dish originated. With over a 100 ramen shops to choose from, this Soy sauce-based ramen is on every foodie’s bucket list. This ramen is cooked with pork bone and small deep-fried fishes. This ramen is a morning ramen, usually had for breakfast. Morning Ra has a special place in my heart.

4) Aomori Oma Tuna Rice Bowl
This dish is made with Oma Tuna a Pacific bluefin. A popular high-class fish. The freshness of the fish is what makes it more flavourful. The tuna is placed carefully over rice after being cooked to create the best maguro-don you’d ever taste. This dish however can only be eaten during July all the way through to January. 
I highly suggest trying every dish on this list to please your taste buds and to create your own Tohoku travel diaries, book your tickets and hotels with XcelTokens and save to spend more on food.


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