XcelToken Plus Now on CoinMarketCap

XcelToken Plus with the ticker name XLAB is the upgraded version of XcelToken, which is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum Blockchain Platform, that is painstakingly crafted with the purpose of building, engaging and fostering a large crypto-community within the hospitality, retail and gaming sectors. XcelToken Plus is now listed on CoinMarketCap, a platform that allows you to buy and tracks most of the alternative coins that has hit the market as well as Bitcoins and shows users the current value in dollars and Bitcoins for each coin.

Note- The value of the token in the above picture is from the 30th of September, 2019 at 12:30PM IST. The value will fluctuate based on demand and trading volumes.
On CoinMarketCap you will now be able to trace the prices from whence XcelToken Plus (XLAB) was listed, with values shown in both United States Dollar (USD) and Bitcoin.

XcelToken Plus is a one of a kind utility token, aside from its tradability, is now adopted into usage on platforms such as:

XcelTrip- An online travel booking platform based on the blockchain technology, aims to disrupt the ever-growing trillion-dollar travel industry, through challenging the monopoly of the ecosystem by giving the power back to the users. XcelTrip, allows travellers to check-in at over 1.5 million hotels and book tickets with over 400 airlines. XcelTrip makes sure to give the power of bookings and anonymity to the consumer, since the platform runs on the blockchain system, the consumer is exempt from paying extra credit card charges and other miscellaneous expenditures.

On this decentralised travel platform, aside from XcelToken Plus, crypto-travellers can also use Ethereum, Bitcoin, Dash, Litecoin and Verge currency to book airline tickets and hotels.

Crypto-travellers around the world can either log on to XcelTrip.com or download the XcelTrip app, available on both android and IOS, to book their travels, with amazing cashback offers that run all throughout the year and for those travellers who contribute content and inventory there is a proposition that allows them to earn XcelToken Plus on the XcelTrip platform.

XcelPay Wallet- A merchant POS, digital payment wallet and crypto payment gateway. XcelPay Wallet is integrated into an easy to use, crypto wallet that is enabled for both mobile and tablet use, makes sure that sending and receiving payments in crypto is a secure process.

XcelPay Wallet aims to cut out unwanted middle men, bank/card transaction fees, currency conversion fees that produce a damaging effect on the retailer’s and consumer’s margins, making this a shopaholic’s ultimate companion.

Through XcelPay Wallet, the users can now top up their mobile phone plans with 900 different carrier services and in 160 countries, with Ethereum, Bitcoin and XcelToken Plus.

XcelToken Plus is also a referred token on Bitnare a social media platform that allows for the people of the crypto-community to network with each other within the community on a higher level. XcelGames where the player can collect coins on the game and convert them into XcelToken Plus. The app is available for both IOS and Android devices.


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